writing, stream of somethingness Eddie Wright writing, stream of somethingness Eddie Wright

Recycle sadness, make something new

Welcome to Stream of Somethingness. Every two weeks I frantically write a bunch of words into a blog post and share them. Sometimes they make sense. Sometimes they don’t. Why am I doing this? Because it’s better than doing nothing. It’s all part of my new policy of not overthinking everything. Enjoy.


Old ideas can be recycled into new ideas. Hold them in your mind. Pick them apart. Dig into the crevices and seek out what’s there. You’ll find new sadness. New happiness. New confusion. New reasons to be lonely. New reasons to be joyful. It’s where the new lives. Where the change lives. Where life lives. Go find the meaning in your mind and in your thoughts. It’s there. The meaningless means something. Even if it’s simply that it means nothing. Meaning nothing is meaning something because meaning is meaning. Believe that you can find something that matters in your mind. There’s a lot there, look for it. Look through it. If there is nothing there, you’re not looking hard enough. Create the thing you’re looking for by thinking about something unrelated. Go find the meaning. Go find the inspiration. Don’t fear freedom. There’s only freedom when you’re dealing with your own mind. Sometimes freedom looks like weirdness. Don’t let that scare you. What scares you is often something new. If you find sadness, keep digging. Recycle sadness, make something new. Find the art. Find new ways to express yourself. It’s all there for you. Find it, break it, and build something else with the bits of an old idea.

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