Introducing 'Chrysalis'


I'm very excited to share some amazing promo art for CHRYSALIS, a new horror comic series by Jamaica Dyer and me. 

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Here's the thing: 

Following a family tragedy, three young women, (Belle, Poppy, and Pris) embark on a camping trip. When Belle, the youngest, nearly drowns, she undergoes a drastic, supernatural shift in personality that may cost the other two their lives.

Think the slow-burn, subtle horror of Let the Right One In mixed with the fun, woods-based terror of Evil Dead.

I'm really excited to be part of this project, it's funny, beautiful, scary, and all the things that horror stories should be. Plus, Jamaica is an incredible artist and I've wanted to work on something with her forever. 

We'll definitely share more about the series soon! But for now, here's a sneak at a panel:

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Pris and Poppy on their way to the camp.Pris and Poppy on their way to the camp.

Pris and Poppy on their way to the camp.


Tyranny of the Muse #3 Pencils


Please welcome Dave Chisholm to Tyranny of the Muse