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An update on Korsakoff Blight


UPDATE: The new version A RBOKEN EVERYTHING is publishing on Wattpad. Read it here.

Korsakoff Blight, the novel I self-published in 2017 is a work I’m very proud of. It’s deeply personal and a perfect example of the kind of project I want to release regularly. It’s the purest expression of who I am as a writer and as a human being. But I think it can be more. I think it can be better. I think it can be everything I want it to be. And right now, it isn’t. So I’ve decided to unpublish and rework it a bit. It’s the right thing to do.

For those who have read it, it won’t change drastically. The story will be the same. But I’ll tweak a few things. The biggest thing will be the title/name of the main character. To be completely honest, I regret it. It’s pretentious. And overly complicated. And silly. So I’m going to fix that. I won’t share what I’m changing it to yet, but I’ll let you know once I’m ready.

This is something I’ve wanted to do for a while, so I’m going for it. What have I got to lose? Right?

Stay tuned for updates. I’m not sure how or when I’ll release the new version. But the future is looking good for the weird little book formally called Korsakoff Blight.

And for those of you with copies, hang onto them, I guess they’re collector’s items now. Or whatever. I don’t know.

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